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Convert LucidChart to Figjam with a few clicks

Our automated converter will convert your LucidChart file within minutes to a Figjam file!

magicians backmagicians frontlucidchart logo with glow
jarround bottletall bottle

Utilisé par plus de 4000 entreprises et designers

Deloitte Digital
LucidChart to Figma Example

Save up to 40h per file using our converter

  • Import LucidChart diagrams without any extra work

    Seamlessly import your LucidChart files into Figjam. Focus on being productive instead of messing around with file formats.

  • Stop wasting your time re-creating LucidChart files manually

    Our software converts all elements seamlessly one by one to assure 100% compatibility.

  • 100% editable text and shapes

    By using our tool you can migrate your existing LucidChart diagrams and charts into Figjam .

convertir à présent

Get ready-to-use, flawlessly converted files

  • Converts sticky notes, connectors, text and more

    All elements get converted seamlessly. Each icon, shape or connectors between elements will remain the same.

  • 100% visually accurate

    All elements will automatically converted in seconds. Your LucidChart designs will be converted flawlessly into Figjam.

Everything we supportCONVERT NOW
LucidChart example

100% pixel perfect conversion

Supports all elements

Sticky Notes, Text and more

Connectors between elements

LucidChart Demo Preview
Figjam Demo Preview

Besoin d'un autre format?

magician with bubbles

Importez vos fichiers LucidChart dans Figjam maintenant.


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