How to Export Figma to PowerPoint (PPT)




How do you export a Figma presentation to PowerPoint? As a designer, there might be times when you need to share your designs with clients or team members who are more comfortable with PowerPoint than Figma. Business and management people love their Microsoft products (I know right). So, how do you go about this? This post will walk you through the process of how to export a Figma file to PowerPoint/PPT. We’ll also discuss some of the benefits of each solution.

Why Export Figma to PowerPoint (PPT)?

PowerPoint is a widely used tool for presentations. Converting your Figma designs to PPT format can be useful for:

  • Sharing designs with clients or team members who don’t use Figma
  • Presenting your designs in a familiar, easy-to-use format
  • Adding your designs to existing PowerPoint presentations
  • Crafting nice slides in Figma and then using them in PowerPoint

How to Export Figma to PowerPoint

There are a few ways to convert your Figma design to PowerPoint. Let’s get started with a few of them.

Option 1: Export as SVG and import into PowerPoint

This is probably the most straightforward approach. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide. You might also want to check out the help article directly by Figma about this. Here’s a fully-fledged guide on what’s possible to export from Figma.

  1. In Figma, select the frame that you want to export.
  2. Click on the “Export” button located in the right panel.
  3. In the export settings, select “SVG” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click on the “Export” button. This will download the selected frame as an SVG file.
  5. Open PowerPoint and navigate to the slide where you want to insert the SVG.
  6. Click on “Insert” in the top menu, then select “Pictures” and choose “This Device” from the dropdown.
  7. Locate the SVG file you exported from Figma, select it, and click “Insert”. The SVG will be placed on your slide.
  8. You can now move and resize the SVG as needed within PowerPoint.

Remember to repeat these steps for each frame you want to export from Figma and import into PowerPoint.

Option 2: Using Magicul Figma to PowerPoint Converter

Magicul provides a direct Figma to PowerPoint converter, which allows you to convert designs in a flawless way. No more extra work or importing issues.

  1. Go to Magicul Figma to PowerPoint converter page:
  2. Insert your Figma link into the upload field
  3. You will see a preview screen of how your PowerPoint presentation will look like
  4. Click on “Convert” to start the conversion process.
  5. After the conversion is complete, you can download your converted PowerPoint file.

Points to Keep in Mind

Figma is a fantastic design tool, but it’s not primarily built for presentations. When converting a Figma file to PowerPoint, you might encounter broken elements and text elements that are a bit off or even have the wrong font. It’s often better to create your presentation from scratch in PowerPoint. Figma currently doesn’t allow you to directly export to PPT, but it’s many export options allow you to get an image or PDF out.

Here are a few things you might be wondering…

Can I export a Figma file directly to PowerPoint?

No, Figma does not natively support exporting directly to PowerPoint (.pptx) format. Instead, you can export frames or layers as SVG or other image formats, and then insert these into PowerPoint slides. Alternatively, you can use third-party tools or services like Magicul’s Figma to PowerPoint converter.

Can I keep the animations from Figma when I export to PowerPoint?

No, animations created in Figma cannot be exported to PowerPoint. PowerPoint and Figma have different animation capabilities, and there’s no direct way to transfer animations between the two. If you have an animation in Figma that you want to include in a PowerPoint presentation, a workaround could be to record the animation and save it as a video or GIF, then insert this into your PowerPoint slide.

Can I export text elements from Figma to PowerPoint?

While you can export text elements from Figma as part of an image or SVG file, these won’t be editable as text within PowerPoint. If you need to edit the text in PowerPoint, you’ll need to manually recreate these text elements in PowerPoint. If you use the Magicul Converter, then your text will be fully editable.

Why would I want to export a Figma design to PowerPoint?

PowerPoint is a widely used tool for presentations, and not everyone has access to or familiarity with Figma. If you need to share your designs with a client, stakeholder, or team member who uses PowerPoint, it can be helpful to convert your Figma designs to a format they can easily view and interact with.

Can You Export from Figma to PPT?

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, designers often find the need to transition between different platforms and tools seamlessly. While Figma stands out for its collaborative design capabilities, there are times when you might need to present your designs within the familiar confines of PowerPoint. But how do you make this transition without compromising design fidelity?

How Do I Export a Figma Design to PowerPoint?

  1. Export as Images: One straightforward way to move designs from Figma to PowerPoint is by exporting the Figma frames as image files, such as PNG or JPG. Once exported, these images can be easily inserted into PowerPoint slides. This method ensures design fidelity but might require manual adjustments to fit within the slide dimensions.
  2. Plugins and Integrations: The Figma community is constantly evolving, and there are plugins being developed that aim to streamline the export process to various formats. It’s always a good idea to explore the Figma plugin library for tools that can automate or simplify this export process.
  3. Online Converters: Platforms like serve as valuable allies in the design conversion process. While they might not directly convert Figma designs to PowerPoint format, there are pathways, such as converting Figma designs to PDF and then integrating those into PowerPoint presentations. For a deeper understanding of such processes, their detailed guide on converting PDF to Figma can provide insights that can be applied in reverse.

Can You Convert Figma to PowerPoint?

Absolutely! While there isn’t a direct “one-click” solution within Figma to convert designs to PowerPoint, the methods mentioned above have been adopted by designers worldwide to bridge the gap between Figma and PowerPoint. The key is understanding the requirements of your presentation, the audience, and ensuring that your designs are presented in the best possible manner, irrespective of the platform.

To summarize, transitioning from Figma to PowerPoint is entirely feasible with a combination of manual exports, plugins, and online tools. Always make sure to test your PowerPoint presentations after integrating Figma designs to ensure they look and function as expected, delivering a seamless experience to your audience.


While Figma does not directly support exporting to PowerPoint, the steps outlined above provide a workaround. Always remember, that the aim is to present your designs effectively. Whether that’s through Figma, PowerPoint, or a combination of both, choose the method that works best for your specific scenario.