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Convert Adobe XD to Figma files in one click.

Our automated converter will convert your Adobe XD file within minutes to a Figma file

Starting at $94

magicians backmagicians frontfigma logo with glow
jarround bottletall bottle

Used by over 4,000 companies and designers

Deloitte Digital

Converts everything...


Our converter converts all Symbols and Components. Each Adobe XD Component will be converted into a Figma Component as long as it's possible. Even entire design systems can be converted with just a single click and are ready to be used. It's worth mentioning that XD supports component overrides (modification of child components) that are sometimes not possible to re-create in Figma. If our converter detects a component with overrides that aren't supported in Figma it falls back to the underlying shapes. This way you will still get a 100% visually accurate result.

Prototyping Transitions

Prototyping transitions get converted as well, which is another big benefit of our converter. Save yourself from having to recreate all prototyping transitions and links.

Text and Color Styles

All Text and Color styles created in Adobe XD will be available in Figma after converting your file. Each design system consists of basic typography styles and colors. By using our converter you can rest assured that all Text & Color styles get carried over.

Everything we support
Xd to Figma converter example

Save up to 40h per file using our converter

  • Convert design files without any extra work

    Automatically convert even large design files in minutes instead of manually recreating all of your work.

  • Stop wasting your time fixing SVG import issues

    Our software converts all elements in your designs one by one to assure 100% feature compatibility.

  • Deliver and share designs in any format

    By using our tool you can deliver design files in any format. Convert between Sketch, Adobe XD and Figma with a simple click.

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Get ready-to-use, flawlessly converted files

  • Untouched path elements

    Path elements get converted seamlessly. Each icon, shape or path element will remain the same.

  • Maintain your folder structure

    We convert your folders including names and nested structures.

  • Full image support

    All images will be automatically converted. You won’t lose any assets and don’t have to re-import them.

Everything we supportCONVERT NOW
Figma example


LIMITED TIME OFFER: 1 Year Unlimited AccessConvert unlimited files and artboards. Limited to 1 user. Renews automatically after 1 year. No hidden fees or charges. for $499/year

Convert unlimited files, all formats. Offer ends March 14.

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Prices are in USD


Starting at $94/file

1 file with up to 50 artboardsAn artboard is one screen within a design file. They are called “frames” in Figma, and artboards in Adobe XD, Sketch and Photoshop. For PDF and AI files each page is considered one artboard.
1 file with unlimited artboardsAn artboard is one screen within a design file. They are called “frames” in Figma, and artboards in Adobe XD, Sketch and Photoshop. For PDF and AI files each page is considered one artboard.

Supported formats

14-day money back guarantee*Not happy with the conversion results? We got you covered! Simply send us a message and we fill refund your money. Our general refund policy applies.


One-time payment, no expiry

Supported formats

14-day money back guarantee*Not happy with the conversion results? We got you covered! Simply send us a message and we fill refund your money. Our general refund policy applies.

Enterprise Plan

Perfect for large organizations

Unlimited filesThere's no limitation in files you can convert with the Enterprise plan.
Automated Bulk ConversionWith the automated bulk conversion you can upload and convert multiple files at once, instead of uploading them one by one. Additionally you can run bulk conversions on Dropbox, Google Drive and other storage directories.
ImportThe enterprise plan allows you to directly convert all design files stored in a Dropbox, Google Drive, S3 or other storage provider. This means you can directly import your files without downloading them and re-uploading them to our service. from Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox or S3
24/7 Premium Support
Enterprise EncryptionYour files are stored fully encrypted according to the AES-256 standard using SSE-S3.
Need more users?

Supported formats

14-day money back guarantee*Not happy with the conversion results? We got you covered! Simply send us a message and we fill refund your money. Our general refund policy applies.


Do symbols/components get converted?


This is one of the big advantages of using our converter. All symbols/components get converted as is, when ever it's possible to create them in the target file format. In rare cases it's not possible to re-create component overrides created in Adobe XD in other tools like Sketch or Figma. In those cases our converter falls back to the underlying shapes and detaches the component instance from it's parent. It's important to mention that we only do this when it's simply impossible to convert the component in the target design format.

Do prototyping transitions get converted?

Yes, our converter supports prototyping transitions (tap/click interactions) for Figma to Sketch, Figma to XD, XD to Sketch, XD to Figma.

What are the benefits of your product over Hypermatic?

Hypermatic is a very different tool intended for very basic graphic design tasks. It doesn’t convert symbols or prototyping interactions like our product does. It isn’t intended for complicated files like ours.

How long does a conversion take?

Our converters are fully automated. Most files convert within 3-5 minutes. Occasionally it might take a bit longer for very large files.

Do component states/overrides get converted?


If you have variants in Figma or XD, each variant will be converted as a single component. The variant will still have the same name with a = and the name of the variant itself. For example: Button/Primary=Hover

Do you have a free plan?

We currently do not offer a free plan for our Design File Converter. But all of our plans come with a 100% money-back guarantee, if you’re not happy with the conversion results simply reach out to us and we will refund your money.

What are the benefits over exporting and importing SVG?

Converting files using the SVG method is time consuming and not very accurate. There is also no support for components or artboards. All of these are supported by Magicul.


XD to Figma Converter

Moving designs from XD to Figma - easy or not?

What does it takes to move and convert design from Adobe XD to Figma.

Learn more >
Figma, XD, Sketch Converter

Convert any design file - What’s possible?

A detailed overview of converting files between Figma, Sketch and Adobe XD.

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XD to Sketch Converter

How to import XD files in Sketch - step by step

Our founder Kevin walks you step by step through how you convert from Adobe XD to Sketch.

Learn more >

Need another format?

magician with bubbles

Convert your files today and save hours of work!

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