10 Figma Tricks for Designers in 2024



Figma is to a designer what a lightsaber is to a Jedi – indispensable. This revolutionary software has transformed the design landscape, bringing increased efficiency and clarity with each update. At Magicul, our goal is to make UI/UX design as seamless as possible.

In this article, we’ll share ten of our top Figma tips and tricks for 2024, ensuring designers are equipped with the latest techniques for optimal UI & UX outcomes.

1. Mastering Auto Layout

Figma’s Auto Layout feature empowers designers to produce a custom frame tailored to their specific needs. By simply using the Shift+A shortcut, you can initiate a dynamic parent frame, with elements that automatically inherit its properties. Suppose you’re designing a button. You can customize its padding, text alignment (whether horizontal or vertical), color, spacing, and even its corner roundness. Once saved to Auto Layout, you can effortlessly replicate this design whenever needed.

Using Auto Layout is not just a productivity hack—it’s a transformative tool. Need to create lists, dialogue boxes, or groups of images? Auto Layout has you covered. Once you’ve hit Shift+A, adding or removing similar elements is just a click away.

Discover more about optimizing your design workflow with our comprehensive Magicul guide.

2. Layer Renaming for Streamlined Organization

As your projects expand, keeping your files in order becomes increasingly important. Regardless of the project’s nature, be it a mobile app or a sleek corporate website, structured layer naming is a lifesaver.

Figma provides flexibility when it comes to renaming layers. You can individualize each layer with unique names, numbers, prefixes, or suffixes. To rename, either double-click on the layer or right-click to find the ‘Rename’ option.

Here’s a pro tip: Instead of renaming layers individually, select several layers simultaneously, press Ctrl+R, and modify them collectively. Want to elevate your organizational game? Use slash-separated names to create meta categories. For example, “Subscribe/Active,” “Subscribe/Hover,” or “Subscribe/Inactive” will lead Figma to treat these layers as interconnected components.

Stay ahead in your design journey. Explore how Magicul can make your Figma to PSD conversion easy-breezy.

3. Embrace Keyboard Shortcuts for Increased Efficiency

A designer who relies on a mouse and ignores the power of keyboard shortcuts, is missing a major opportunti. These are a few shortcuts that we at Magicul deem indispensable:

  • Ctrl+Opt+C: Copy object attributes like fills or typography style.
  • Ctrl+Opt+V: Paste those attributes onto a different object.
  • Ctrl + L: Quickly copy the link to your Figma file, making sharing or embedding a breeze.
  • Return (when a frame/group is selected): Instantly select all child elements.
  • Shift+Return: Navigate back up to the parent element.

Want more shortcuts? Simply press Ctrl+Shift+? to open a panel displaying all available Figma shortcuts. Challenge yourself to adopt a new shortcut each day to enhance your design speed and prowess.

Maximize your design potential with our comprehensive tutorials and conversion guides at Magicul.

4. Optimize Layouts with Smart and Tidy Grids

In design, grids ensure uniformity and visual harmony. Figma simplifies this with its Smart selection and Tidy up features. Select a group of identical items, click the grid icon at the selection’s bottom right, and watch as your elements align. Adjust the pink lines for spacing, or use the central circle to rearrange your grid.

Benefit for Designers: Figma’s grid features not only save valuable time but also elevate design consistency. This ensures quicker project deliveries and enhanced user satisfaction.

Interested in teaming up with design software experts? Discover Magicul solutions for agencies.

5. Swiftly Populate Placeholder Shapes with Images

Embedding images into designs is a common task. Figma’s shortcuts offer a quick solution. Select your images, press Ctrl+Shift+K, and then click on your shapes. The images will automatically populate the shapes in sequence.

Benefit for Designers: This nifty trick minimizes repetitive tasks, saving seconds that quickly accumulate, leading to hours shaved off the time to project completion.

6. Reliable Scaling with the Scale Tool

Scaling is an area of design where Sigma shines. Choose your design element, press K, and then adjust the size. The outcome: Perfectly scaled designs  that maintain their proportions.

Benefit for Designers: Figma’s reliable scaling ensures designs retain their aesthetic and functional integrity, eliminating the need for post-scaling adjustments.

7. Spacebar: Figma’s Versatile Tool

The spacebar in Figma is more than just a key. When working with grouped items, holding it down expands the selection size. You can also use it to nest objects or move elements in and out of frames.

Benefit for Designers: The spacebar’s versatility in Figma accelerates design workflows, allowing for on-the-fly adjustments and fluid design transitions.

8. Fine-Tune Designs with Nudge Values

Design adjustments should be swift and precise. With Figma, you can “nudge” various elements to achieve this. For instance, after selecting a shape and opening the color menu, hold Shift and navigate up or down to alter the shade or color. The mouse wheel impacts the hue, and pressing Alt adjusts opacity. Nudge functionalities similarly apply to properties like line height or font size.

Benefit for Designers: Nudging allows for pixel-perfect adjustments, ensuring your designs meet exact specifications. If the default nudge step isn’t to your preference, simply navigate to Menu > Preferences > Nudge Amount to customize.

Looking to simplify your design conversion process? Check out Magicul’s converter tools.

9. Experience Real-Time Color Selection with Eyedropper

Choosing the right color palette is pivotal in design. Figma’s Eyedropper tool makes it seamless. Select a shape, press “i”, and hover over any image in your canvas. You’ll see an instant color preview, ensuring you pick the perfect shade every time.

Benefit for Designers: The Eyedropper tool not only speeds up the design process but also guarantees colour accuracy. It’s a timeless trick that remains invaluable in 2024.

For more design tips, explore the latest from Magicul’s blog.

10. Craft Elegant Arcs with Figma’s Arc Tool

Turning a full circle into a stylish arc has never been easier. When drawing a circle in Figma, look for a small dot on its perimeter. Dragging this dot transforms the circle into an arc, allowing for dynamic shape alterations. Another dot labelled ratio, further refines the arc’s form.

Benefit for Designers: The Arc Tool provides a fresh way to approach design elements, allowing for creative flexibility and dynamic visuals in projects.

Unsure about file conversions for your designs? Explore Magicul’s converter solutions to streamline the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do designers think of Figma?

Figma rates highly with top designers who emphasize its collaborative features, intuitive interface, and extensive toolset. 

Figma’s ability to allow multiple users to work on a design in tandem, coupled with real-time feedback mechanisms, make it a favorite in the design community. Continuous updates and innovative plugins further enhance its appeal. Magicul provides an array of solutions that complement Figma. You can learn more about these on Magicul’s blog.

How do you use Figma efficiently?

Using Figma efficiently often involves mastering shortcuts, utilizing plugins, and leveraging its collaborative features. Additionally, converting and managing files seamlessly is crucial for design workflow. Tools like Magicul’s converters can greatly enhance your Figma experience by simplifying conversions like PDF to Figma and more.

What do designers use Figma for?

Designers use Figma for a range of tasks, from creating wireframes and prototypes to crafting high-fidelity UI/UX designs. Its cloud-based nature means teams can collaborate in real time. Designers often rely on Magicul’s solutions to expand Figma’s capabilities, particularly when it comes to file conversions.

Is Figma good for designers?

Absolutely! Figma’s real-time collaboration, versatile design tools, and cloud-based platform make it a top choice for designers. The added advantage of integration with platforms like Magicul means designers have even more tools at their disposal to streamline their work.

Is Figma enough to be a UI designer?

Figma is a powerful tool for UI design, providing a wide range of features needed to design, prototype, and collaborate on user interfaces. However, being a proficient UI designer also requires understanding user behavior, and design principles, and having the ability to adapt to different software and tools when needed. Tools like Magicul further assist UI designers by providing efficient file conversion solutions, ensuring flexibility across different design platforms.