10 Reasons Why UI/UX Designers Should Use Figma For Their Next Project



Looking for a tool to make your design work easier? Figma is the answer. Think about one online tool that does everything you need. Whether you’re making a website, a mobile app, or another digital project, Figma has it all—from easy prototyping to teamwork and getting quick feedback.

Here are some cool facts about Figma:

  • In just one year, Figma’s value jumped from $2 billion to an amazing $10 billion. That’s big news.
  • With more than 4 million users worldwide, lots of people think Figma is great.

Why is Figma so popular? It’s powerful, easy to use, and has everything a designer needs in one place. In this article, we’ll share 10 reasons why we at TechMagic love Figma, and why you might too.

Let’s dive in!

What is Figma?

Figma is an online tool made for designers. Since its debut in 2016, it has quickly gained a lot of attention and love from the design community. The big win? It’s super user-friendly and there’s zero fuss about installations. Just open it in your web browser and you’re set, making it super handy for work on the go.

Some standout points about Figma:

  • The growth is clear. In 2020 alone, the number of designers using Figma jumped from 37% to a whopping 66%.
  • By 2022, Figma’s value shot up to an impressive $10 billion, and it attracted a massive $200 million in investments. That’s no small change!
  • Big names, like Microsoft, have made Figma a key part of their design work. Even Adobe took notice and decided to buy Figma for an even more massive $20 billion. With these giants teaming up, we can expect even better design tools in the future.

10 Benefits of Using Figma

Straight up, Figma is a top-notch design tool with tons of perks for designers and teams. Here are 10 reasons why Figma could be your best choice:

1. Easy Teamwork and Faster Workflows

Everyone—designers, clients, and developers—can look at designs and work on them together.

Because of Figma’s real-time sharing and comment features, everyone involved in a project can easily work together. This makes projects move faster and communication smoother.

Think of Figma like Google Docs but for design. Everyone can hop into a design and give feedback right away. For a design team making a mobile app, this means the designer can make something, and the developer can quickly say if it’ll work or not. This fast back-and-forth cuts down on long waits for feedback.

Plus, any team member can leave comments right on the design. No need for never-ending email chains or other chat tools. Everyone can see the feedback, talk about design choices, and fix things, all in one place.

One more thing: Figma lets any number of people work in one file. Some other tools have limits or make you buy extra licenses.

Figma’s design space also works really smoothly. Even with big files or tricky design parts, Figma keeps up, so designers don’t have to deal with annoying slowdowns or crashes.

2. Speed Up Design and Get Products Out Faster

Figma’s features like reusable components let designers work super fast. Think of a designer building an app. Using Figma, they can quickly put together parts like login screens, without redoing the same thing over and over. They stay focused on being creative, not on repetitive tasks.

This means designs get done faster, leading to quicker product releases. And it’s even faster with Figma’s design system libraries. These are like a designer’s toolkit, ensuring everything looks consistent across the board. With Figma-to-Sketch or Figma-to-XD from Magicul, designers can even jump between tools, making their workflow even smoother.

3. Make Design Handoffs Smooth and Speed Up Development

Handing off designs to developers is a breeze with Figma. It has a cool inspect tool that lets developers easily check, edit, and pull details from a design. Just share a Magicul project link and everything’s accessible.

Developers love Figma’s auto CSS feature. They can pull code directly from designs. Whether they’re working with CSS, iOS, or Android, Figma shows the right code for each design piece. No need to manually create code or switch tools. Plus, Figma works great with Zeplin, making the designer-developer partnership even better.

4. Track Changes and Manage Design Versions Easily

Keeping designs consistent is super important. Figma has top-notch features for tracking changes and managing different design versions. With version control, designers can see every change and easily jump back to older versions if needed.

The version history is like a timeline for a design. It shows every tweak and change. This is perfect for designers who want to try new things without worrying about losing their original work. And for those looking to learn or refine their Figma skills, the Magicul blog has a ton of helpful insights and tutorials like how to open XD files in Flinto or Uxpin.

5. Prototyping, Animation, and Testing in One Place with Figma

Instead of juggling multiple tools, Figma lets you do prototyping right inside its platform. It’s packed with features that let designers create real-life interactions and animations. Imagine crafting realistic designs with overlays, transitions, and more without ever leaving Figma. You don’t need other apps like Sketch or InVision. This makes the design feel alive, and stakeholders can really get the feel of the final product.

Now, if you’re into presentations or collaboration, Figma’s got you. You can embed live designs into platforms like Notion or even Trello. 

But a design isn’t just about looking good; it needs to work well. Figma’s interactive prototypes let designers mimic user actions. This means they can test the design with real users, watch how they interact, and find areas to improve. It’s like getting a sneak peek into the user’s mind!

6. Stay Updated with Real-Time Figma Features

Ever worked on something and lost all your progress? With Figma’s backup system, that’s history. Your work is always saved. Even if you face interruptions or accidentally close your tab, Figma’s got your back. And if you want to revisit older designs, Figma lets you jump back in time effortlessly.

Sharing designs has never been easier. With Figma’s live embeds, you can push your designs into third-party tools. Let’s say you’re using Confluence to showcase a design mockup. If you make any changes in Figma, it’ll instantly update in Confluence. No more manual updates, and everyone stays on the same page!

Curious about the future of mobile app design? Dive deep into Magicul’s 2023 Mobile App Design Trends.

7. Harness the Power of Figma’s Team Libraries

Team Libraries in Figma are a game-changer. They’re like a designer’s shared toolbox. Once a library is set up, everyone in the team can use its components. No more outdated or mismatched elements.

You can create an entire file just for components or neatly place them on a single page. Figma’s system is all about simplicity, with no complex setups. This makes collaboration super smooth. Updates to components are pushed across designs, so no more manual changes. And the best part? Designers can quickly craft new elements from existing ones. This not only saves time but keeps everything looking consistent.

For more advanced design solutions, check out Magicul’s enterprise solutions and explore how tools like PDF-to-Figma or PowerPoint-to-Canva can streamline your design process.

8. Web-Based Accessibility with Figma

Figma redefines convenience. With just a browser and a Figma account, access your design projects anywhere—Mac, Windows, Linux, or even a Chromebook. And there’s no fear of data loss; Figma’s cloud auto-saves your work in real-time. Plus, dedicated apps are available for Windows and iOS.

9. Effortless Migration to Figma

Thinking of switching design tools? Figma ensures the transition is a breeze. While it’s not just a single button press, Figma’s suite of tools, including plugins and drag-and-drop functionality, makes transferring designs effortless.

And for Sketch users, it’s even simpler. Figma’s “Import” feature lets you move your entire Sketch library – files, artboards, and symbols – maintaining their structure. Not a Sketch user? No problem. Figma supports various file formats, ensuring smooth collaboration, whether you’re coming from Adobe XD, Framer, or other tools.

10. Seamless Integration and Collaboration

Figma plays well with others:

  • Communication: Share designs in real-time on platforms like Microsoft Teams and Slack.
  • Project Management: Integrate with Trello or Jira, aligning design work with project milestones, regardless of your design methodology.
  • Prototyping & Testing: Sync with leading tools like Flinto, Protopie, and Bubble.
  • Development: Smooth handoffs are given with integrations like Zeplin, AWS Amplify Studio, and GitLab. Plus, developers get accurate specs and assets.

Figma’s API also stands out, allowing custom integrations. Companies like Uber, for instance, tap into it to display live designs in their offices.

Lastly, there’s FigJam – Figma’s collaborative whiteboard tool. It’s where ideas bloom, with teams brainstorming, developing workflows, and planning sprints together.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do UX designers use Figma for?

UX designers utilize Figma to create interactive prototypes, design web and mobile user interfaces, and collaborate in real-time with team members. The tool offers designers a centralized platform to design, prototype, and gather feedback, streamlining the design process.

What are the benefits of using Figma?

Figma offers several advantages:

  • Real-time Collaboration: Multiple team members can work on the same design simultaneously.
  • Cloud-Based: Accessible anywhere with a web browser, with automatic cloud-saving.
  • Prototyping: Ability to create detailed interactive prototypes without switching tools.
  • Versatility: Compatible across Mac, Windows, and Linux.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with other tools and platforms, enhancing workflow efficiency.

Do UI UX designers use Figma?

Yes, both UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) designers widely use Figma. While UX designers focus on the overall user experience and flow, UI designers utilize Figma to craft the visual elements of that experience. The tool provides functionalities that cater to both these design disciplines.

Why Figma is the best design tool?

While “best” can be subjective and depends on specific needs, many designers prefer Figma because of its:

  • Collaborative Nature: Real-time collaboration is a standout feature.
  • Platform Independence: Being web-based, it’s accessible from any device with a browser.
  • Comprehensive Toolset: From design to prototyping in one platform.
  • Extensive Integrations: Syncs well with other popular tools, enhancing the design workflow.

How to convert Figma files?

You can convert Figma files using online converters like those provided by magicul.io. They offer a range of converters, such as pdf-to-figma, PowerPoint-to-canvas, xd-to-figma, and many more. Just visit the specific converter page, upload your file, and follow the on-screen instructions.