Neu Sichern Sie Ihre Figma-Designs automatisch in unabhängigen Formaten wie Sketch oder XD. Weitere Infos >

Convert Adobe XD to Canva with a few clicks!

Our automated converter will convert your Adobe XD file within minutes to a Canva design

Schon ab $94

magicians backmagicians frontcanva logo with glow
jarround bottletall bottle

Genutzt von über 4.000 Unternehmen und Designern

Deloitte Digital
Xd to Canva converter example

Save up to 40h per file using our converter

  • Convert design files without any extra work

    Automatically convert even large design files in minutes instead of manually recreating all of your work.

  • Stop wasting your time fixing SVG import issues

    Our software converts all elements in your designs one by one to assure 100% feature compatibility.

  • Deliver and share designs in any format

    By using our tool you can deliver design files in any format. Convert between Sketch, Adobe XD and Canva with a simple click.

jetzt Konvertieren

Get ready-to-use, flawlessly converted files

  • Untouched path elements

    Path elements get converted seamlessly. Each icon, shape or path element will remain the same.

  • Maintain your folder structure

    We convert your folders including names and nested structures.

  • Full image support

    All images will be automatically converted. You won’t lose any assets and don’t have to re-import them.

Alles, was wir unterstützenCONVERT NOW
Canva example

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magician with bubbles

Konvertieren und importieren Sie Adobe XD-Dateien in Canva

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