Neu Sichern Sie Ihre Figma-Designs automatisch in unabhängigen Formaten wie Sketch oder XD. Weitere Infos >

Convert Components from Figma to XD

This guide will help you convert all your Components from Figma to XD in a couple of clicks. It will teach you to keep control of design resources as you move between tools.

We all know that Components are vital to maintaining a design as it scales and it's faster to use ready-made Components in your library than it is to create every button from scratch.

Magicul is the only design converter that's capable of moving Components between Figma and Adobe XD.

It took a year of development, but Magicul is so precise that you can move Components back and forth between Figma and XD with no loss of editability or visual data an achievement that got us featured on UX collective.

conversion figma to xd

Recommend reading 🧠🚀

How to convert Components from Figma to XD

conversion figma to xd

Here's a Figma design with Components

figma component design demonstration
conversion figma to xd

Here are the same Components converted to Adobe XD

conversion figma to xd

In the above I’m changing the master Components, so you can see how it affects all the instances of that Component - its children - throughout the design?

Time Estimates

~10 seconds to convert an artboard with 500 layers. Large projects with 1000 + files will need up to 24 hours to finish converting.

For orgs that work across products and timezones, the Magicul converter can consolidate formats. It's the flexibility to work between XD, Figma and Sketch like they are all one tool.

We have helped enterprise clients like IBM, HP and Macys migrate thousands of files between Figma and XD. Just look at all the nice things they have to say about the Magicul converter.

Genutzt von kleinen und großen Teams

Unsere Kunden reichen von Freiberuflern bis hin zu Fortune 500-Unternehmen

  • “Der Converter leistet fantastische Arbeit. Super schnell und hat mir bereits mehrere Stunden an Arbeit erpart. Die Sketch Dateien sind vollkommen identisch!”

    Onur Ada

    Senior Designer bei IBM iX

    Onur Ada Avatar
  • “Super nützliches Tools. Wir wandeln aktuell mehrere Designs pro Woche zwischen Adobe XD, Sketch und Figma um. Klappt einwandfrei mit alle Components.”

    Hayyaan Ahmad

    Senior Software Engineer bei Amazon

    Hayyaan Ahmad Avatar
  • “Einige unserer Kunden arbeiten in Adobe XD, wohingegen wir Figma bevorzugen. Mit der Hilfe dieses Converters können wir das beim Hand-Off einfach die Dateien umwandeln und das wars! Fantastisch!”

    Will Kaufman

    Senior UX Strategist

    Will Kaufman Avatar
  • Magicul understands Component hierarchy

    After the conversion nested Components and still attached to their parents.

    conversion figma to xd

    You can see that XD has both Master Components and instances of Master Components after the conversion.

    These buttons are part of the layout of the master profile-card component but are themselves instances of btn-primary.

    conversion figma to xd

    Layout Properties are converted

    conversion figma to xd

    How to use Magicul to convert Figma Components to XD

    Step 1: Navigate to the Figma to XD conversion.

    conversion figma to xd

    Step 2: Publicly share and copy a link to your Figma project.

    conversion figma to xd

    Step 3: Paste the public Figma link into Magicul.
    conversion figma to xd
    conversion figma to xd

    Step 4: Pay for the file conversion.

    For more information about pricing click here.

    Step 5: Download the file you just converted.

    conversion figma to xd

    Step 6: Open the file that's saved locally in XD.

    conversion figma to xd

    Here's another demo of our Components in XD

    conversion figma to xd

    Help! I Can't Find The Master Components

    When you first open the file in XD it might look a little different to what you expect.

    All the parent Components have been moved to the section called main.

    conversion figma to xd

    To find your Master Components, in a hurry, you can always try pressing "Edit Main Component" in Adobe XD which takes you straight to them.

    conversion figma to xd

    Guides like this will only get you so far. Feel the quality with your own hands. Convert your own file now!

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