New Automatically Backup your Figma designs in independent formats like Sketch or XD. Learn more >

Convert Adobe XD to Canva with a few clicks!

Our automated converter will convert your Adobe XD file within minutes to a Canva design

A partir de $94

magicians backmagicians frontcanva logo with glow
jarround bottletall bottle

Utilizado por más de 4000 empresas y diseñadores

Deloitte Digital
Xd to Canva converter example

Save up to 40h per file using our converter

  • Convert design files without any extra work

    Automatically convert even large design files in minutes instead of manually recreating all of your work.

  • Stop wasting your time fixing SVG import issues

    Our software converts all elements in your designs one by one to assure 100% feature compatibility.

  • Deliver and share designs in any format

    By using our tool you can deliver design files in any format. Convert between Sketch, Adobe XD and Canva with a simple click.

convertir AHORA

Get ready-to-use, flawlessly converted files

  • Untouched path elements

    Path elements get converted seamlessly. Each icon, shape or path element will remain the same.

  • Maintain your folder structure

    We convert your folders including names and nested structures.

  • Full image support

    All images will be automatically converted. You won’t lose any assets and don’t have to re-import them.

Everything we supportCONVERT NOW
Canva example

Need another format?

magician with bubbles

Convierte e importa archivos de Adobe XD a Canva.


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