Convierta archivos de Figma a Sketch con un solo clic.
Nuestro convertidor automatizado convertirá su archivo de Figma en minutos en un archivo de Sketch
A partir de $94
Utilizado por más de 4000 empresas y diseñadores
Convierte todo...
Símbolos / Componentes
Our converter converts all Symbols and Components. Each Figma Component will be converted into a Sketch Symbol, allowing you a seamless transition. Even entire design systems can be converted with just a single click and are ready to be used.
Transiciones de creación de prototipos
Prototyping transitions get converted as well, which is another big benefit of our converter. Save yourself from having to re-create all prototyping transitions and links.
Estilos de texto y color
All Text and Color styles created in Figma will be available in your converted Sketch file. Each design system consists of those basic styles. By using our converter you can rest assured that all Text & Color styles get converted.
Prueba sin riesgos
Admite mesas de trabajo y capas de Figma
Garantía de devolución del dinero
Pago 100% seguro
Mueva su diseño de Figma a Sketch en segundos
Nuestro convertidor le permite abrir diseños de Figma en Sketch. ¡Regístrese en nuestra lista de espera ahora!
Nuestra estructura de precios
LIMITED TIME OFFER: 1 Year Unlimited AccessConvierta archivos y mesas de trabajo ilimitados. Limitado a 1 usuario. Se renueva automáticamente después de 1 año. Sin tarifas o cargos ocultos. for $499/year
Convert unlimited files, all formats. Offer ends January 17.
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Los precios están en USD
Pago por uso
Desde $94/archivo
Formatos admitidos
Pago único, sin vencimiento
Mesas de trabajoAn artboard is one screen within a design file. They are called “frames” in Figma, and artboards in Adobe XD, Sketch and Photoshop. For PDF and AI files each page is considered one artboard. ilimitadas
Mesas de trabajoAn artboard is one screen within a design file. They are called “frames” in Figma, and artboards in Adobe XD, Sketch and Photoshop. For PDF and AI files each page is considered one artboard. ilimitadas
Mesas de trabajoAn artboard is one screen within a design file. They are called “frames” in Figma, and artboards in Adobe XD, Sketch and Photoshop. For PDF and AI files each page is considered one artboard. ilimitadas
Mesas de trabajoAn artboard is one screen within a design file. They are called “frames” in Figma, and artboards in Adobe XD, Sketch and Photoshop. For PDF and AI files each page is considered one artboard. ilimitadas
Formatos admitidos
Plan empresarial
Perfecto para grandes organizaciones.
Procesos automatizadosWith the automated bulk conversion you can upload and convert multiple files at once, instead of uploading them one by one. Additionally you can run bulk conversions on Dropbox, Google Drive and other storage directories. de conversión
ImportThe enterprise plan allows you to directly convert all design files stored in a Dropbox, Google Drive, S3 or other storage provider. This means you can directly import your files without downloading them and re-uploading them to our service. from Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox or S3
Soporte 24/7
CifradoYour files are stored fully encrypted according to the AES-256 standard using SSE-S3. empresarial
Formatos admitidos
Conversión 100% perfecta de píxeles
Admite todas las formas y elementos de ruta
Soporte completo de Artboard + Style
Need another format?
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XD to Figma
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Figma to XD
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Figma to Sketch
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Illustrator to Figma