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Convert your Figma designs to Google Slides

Our automated converter will convert your Figma file within minutes to a Google Slide

Starting at $94

magicians backmagicians frontgoogleslides logo with glow
jarround bottletall bottle

Used by over 4,000 companies and designers

Deloitte Digital
Figma to Google Slides converter example

Save hours of work: Move Figma design into Google Slides in seconds

  • Convert all text elements and edit them in Google Slides

    Our converter processes all elements that you created in Figma, especially text elements. Convert your Figma designs and edit text as if nothing changed.

  • Retain all path elements of illustrations, icons and more

    Figma designs are complex and contain a lot of illustrations, icons or other path based elements. We convert all of them to Google Slides so you can keep editing them.

  • Stop wasting time fixing issues importing/exporting PDFs

    Why waste your time manually moving your slides from Figma to Google Slides if you can do it with one click. Focus on designing not fixing import/export issues.

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Present in Google Slides, design in Figma

You prefer creating designs in Figma, but are used to presenting in Google Slides? We are here to help. Our converter moves your design flawlessly into Google Slides.

Oh and one more thing: All elements are editable just like they were in Figma.

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100% pixel perfect conversion

Supports Groups & Layers

Converts Components/Symbols

Full Artboard + Style support

Figma Demo Preview
Google Slides Demo Preview

Need another format?

magician with bubbles

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